Now is the time...Deliver your same high-quality professional services virtually
Treat members at a time that works, and a place that's safe and secure for both of you. Through telehealth, you can have real‐time, two‐way communication via secure online virtual sessions.
Telehealth attestation
If you offer virtual sessions, let us know! Complete and submit this brief telehealth attestation so members looking for a telehealth provider can find you in our directory. Note: this form requires your MIS number; if you do not know your MIS number, call us at 1-800-788-4005 to request it.
Telehealth 101 webinar
Sign in to this website with your username and password then, from the Education menu, select Telehealth to access the link to our free webinar, "Telehealth 101: What You Need to Know & How to Get Started."
For more information
- Review our frequently asked questions (PDF).
- Refer to the Telehealth Services page in Section 3 of our provider handbook (PDF).
- Contact your Magellan network field representative or the national Provider Services Line at 1-800-788-4005 to learn more.
Additional resources
- American Telemedicine Association
- Center for Connected Health Policy: the National Telehealth Policy Resource Center
- American Psychiatric Association Telepsychiatry Toolkit
- Relias telehealth course series
- AMA Steps Forward Module: Adopting Telemedicine
- SOAP notes guide (PDF)
- 10 steps to getting started as a telehealth provider (PDF)
Telehealth billing
After you complete your telehealth attestation, you can begin delivering care via telehealth for members for whom it is a covered benefit.
- Telehealth payable services - commerical plans (PDF)
- Telehealth payable services - Medicare plans (PDF)
- Telehealth billing instructions (PDF)
- Organizations/facilities: Use license-level modifiers (PDF)
Note: Coverage for codes is subject to the provisions and limitations of the subscriber’s benefit plan including authorization requirements. Nothing in these documents should be construed as altering subscriber’s benefits.