This is the Magellan website for behavioral health providers
Magellan Health

Take Magellan's brief provider accessibility survey

To help ensure members have access to the care they need, Magellan Healthcare annually assesses the accessibility of our network providers.

We greatly appreciate your assistance in completing a brief survey (takes less than 5 minutes). You will need your MIS number to access the survey. If you don't have your MIS, you can contact the Provider Services Line at 1-800-788-4005 for assistance. 

Be sure to respond before the survey closes on Aug. 18, 2020.

We publish information about Magellan’s contractual standards for accessibility in our provider handbook, available online at, select Provider Handbook and Supplements from the Get Information box.

If you have questions or need assistance, contact the Provider Services Line at 1-800-788-4005.